epa06933548 A boy catches fish at the Nanliao Port in Hsinchu City, western Taiwan, 07 August 2018. According to Hong Kong's South China Morning Post, China plans to extend its high-speed rail to Taiwan by building a rail tunnel under the Taiwan Strait. The 135-kilometre tunnel would link Pingtan in China's Fujian Province with Hsinchu on Taiwan's western coast. If all goes as planned by Beijing, high-speed trains would whizz through the world's longet undersea tunnel between Taiwan and China by 2030. According to news reports, while the Taiwan Strait tunnel is mainly for China's peaceful reunification with Taiwan, it is also part of President Xi Jinping's 'One Belt, One Road' strategy which promotes sea and rail links so that all countries can jointly achieve economic prosperity. Under that plan, China also hopes to extend its rail link from Russia to the US and Canada by building a tunnel under the Bering Strait; and to expend its high-seepd rail from Fujian to Taiwan, and then to the Phiilippines, other Southeast Asian nations, the Middle East and Europe. EPA/DAVID CHANG [EPA via Keystone - David Chang]

Pingtan, avant-poste chinois dans le détroit de Taïwan (en nouvelle diffusion)

Pingtan, avant-poste chinois dans le détroit de Taïwan (en nouvelle diffusion)